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Resource Recovery

Revolution is dedicated to making British Columbia the greatest, greenest place on Earth, and keeping it that way.

Over the past 30 years, we have painstakingly built a unique environmental business that today provides unparalleled advantages to both our customers and the communities we serve. We do things much differently than others, with strikingly better results for you and the ecosystem.

Revolution is more than our name...

ranch It is our mission
collection containers

You have better things to do than waste your time physically handling, cleaning, separating, and sorting each piece of trash you produce.

But that is precisely how all the other antiquated waste and recycling systems function. They push down all the expense and dirty work onto you. Those source separation-only systems simply don’t perform as promised and generate far more garbage than anyone will admit. They’re literally wasting your time and money and lying about what they achieve.

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At Revolution, we approach it much differently.

Instead of demanding that you segregate every item and place each in a dizzying number of small containers, we only ask you to separate the wet stuff (food) from the dry (everything else). Bag it up, drop it all in the same container, and your work is done. If you have a particularly large volume of one commodity—cardboard for instance—we will give you another bin for that. Otherwise, no more muss and fuss.

Our modern fleet collects and hauls your commingled material to our network of marvelous Resource Recovery Parks.

Fewer trucks making fewer trips = fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

front end truck

At our facilities, we sort, classify, and process what you give us with a careful eye on shifting market conditions.

We constantly investigate, develop, and perfect new technologies and techniques so we can keep our promise to always make the highest and best use of your recyclable materials.

We de-package and separate all types of groceries from their wrappers and containers, recovering a remarkable 99.9% of the food and packaging.

Your food scraps and yard trimmings then go to produce organic compost and natural gas. Wood and plastics from construction and demolition projects craft premium alternate fuels. Paper, cardboard, and metals are fully repurposed. Even Styrofoam is recycled. We consistently achieve an unprecedented 80% overall recovery rate that is the envy of the industry and governments alike.

Revolution ranch

But we don’t stop there. At our 700-acre Revolution Ranch—the largest certified organic farm on Earth—we use the organic compost we make to grow organic alfalfa that feeds organic cows who produce organic dairy products.

We raise organic cattle and hops, all without the aid of any chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Our premium compost is used by others on their organic farms, orchards, and vineyards across the province, allowing them to farm to organic standards on a scale they otherwise might not achieve.

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Learn more about Revolution

So, if you’re an industrial, commercial, institutional, or multi-family residential generator and this sounds like something you’d like to be part of, we invite you to contact us.

Our professional consultants will quickly help you design the optimum system for your business.

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